The blog Men are Good!

måndag 4 september 2017

The 20 most gerenous people in the world article

About the article "The 20 most generous people in the world"

If you read the whole article you see that all the 20 people were men. In total they have donated $106.8 billion in their lives. That is roughly equivalent to the entire gross domestic product of Morocco according to the World Bank. Several of the donors have set up their own foundations, including Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Simons Foundation

måndag 10 juli 2017

Nasty posts about men

Hello my readers!
If you see people writing nasty things about men, like that cis-men are scum or deserve to die. Please DO NOT accept it and maybe write the author of that post, be it on Twitter or Facebook, and tell him or her politely it isn't ok. If they get defensive please don't insult them, but still be clear it isn't ok.

tisdag 20 juni 2017

An introduction to men's issues

An introduction to men's issues

Harry Crouch at National Organisation for Men( showing director Cassie Jaye( a poster on men's issues. It is from when she filmed the documentary "The red pill". From: 

This is a TED talk: Men - The forgotten gender | Deepika Bhardwaj | TEDxIIFTDelhi by Deepika Bhardwaj:

This is an introduction video on men's issues by Tom Golden L.C.S,.W.:



måndag 29 maj 2017

The goodness of men, The Dodo edition

The goodness of men, The Dodo edition

Goodness of men, Johnny Depp edition

The goodness of men, Johnny Depp edition