The blog Men are Good!

måndag 30 januari 2017

Men are good facebookgroup

The "Men are good" Facebook group

The Facebookgroup "Men Are Good", not affiliated with Tom Golden, discusses the various good things men do in society. I have been contributing a lot on my own part as well. However, if you want to publish posts they have to be approved by the admins. 
In The Telegraph newspaper and on Facebook. Both Tom's work and the group have served as inspiration for this blog. I also am a contributor to the Facebookgroup "Men Are Good", you can check these out here. Check it out!

torsdag 26 januari 2017

The red pill

The red pill 

"The red pill", directed by Cassie Jaye, is a documentary explores the various issues men face. She has interviewed people such as: Harry Crouch(National Coalition for Men), Tom Golden aka Thomas Golden from "Men are Good!", Dr. Warren Farrell, Erin Pizzey and lots of more at
It has been shown at many venues, for instance: University of Toronto, University College London, Ottawa City Hall and Dalhousie University. There has also been lots of Q&A:s with various people: Dr. Warren Farrell( 

For the full credits of "The red pill" see:

Healing sites by a psychologist/psychiatrist

Healing sites

These sites are for both men and women.